KraussMaffei German sites closed due to COVID-19

The Coronavirus has spread to almost all corners of the earth, infecting thousands of people. This highly contagious virus as forced governments across the globe to enforce national lockdowns for a specified period of time. In countries where a lockdown has not yet been implemented, businesses have had to decide whether or not to close down their operations.

The COVID-19 outbreak has presented all industries with a huge challenge, and so in light of the current global situation, KraussMaffei has made the decision to temporarily close down its German sites for the health and safety of its employees. The sites will be closed during the week of the 30th of March, the week of the 6th of May and probably the week of the 13th of May. The German sites that will be affected by the temporary closure will include:

  • Munich
  • Treuchtlingen
  • Hanover
  • Schwaig
  • And their Slovakian site in Sučany

During the plant closure, production, assembly and delivery of the completed machines will be discontinued for the period of the closure.

What does this mean for KraussMaffei customers?

  • Customers will still be able to contact KraussMaffei for support as all know contact persons will remain available.
  • Customers will also be able to contact KraussMaffei through an online contact form.
  • The spare parts supply will remain maintained in the event of emergencies.
  • Functions such as project planning and sales as well as the sales support functions will still be available from the home office.

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